What is the thermal insulation effect of fireproof glass

2020-07-09 1911

Now it involves glass reinforced plasticity. More specifically, it involves the research on fireproof glass used to prevent fire risk. After coating with flame retardant synthetic resin adhesive, fireproof glass reinforced plasticity is produced with glass fiber. The adhesive is a composite of modified synthetic resin and curing agent of swelling agent obtained by extracting fuel. The quality problem is the manifestation of materialization and the result of materialization of many reasons and factors.

Therefore, the quality of fireproof glass is an indispensable part of all aspects. Through the physical and chemical modification of fireproof glass, the light transmission function and bonding strength of composite nonflammable composite glass are improved. Many additives and fireproof adhesives are tested, and the formula and preparation method of flame retardant adhesive, laminating solution and preparation method are determined to ensure that the glass does not contain microbubbles. The adhesive formula is flame retardant, And optimized to provide fire resistance stability and heat insulation of composite heat-resistant glass.


Both of them have excellent heat resistance. The laminated glass or hollow glass interlayer is used in the composite structure to make the fireproof composite glass used for the installation and application of the outer wall. The traditional fireproof glass composed of the middle layer is mainly based on polyacrylamide. Because the composite gel is mainly based on polyacrylamide, and the polyacrylamide is organic, and bubbles simply occur in the preparation process, the fireproof composite glass simply has bubbles and poor weather resistance, Only by using the new middle layer gel for fire-resistant composite glass can we achieve the desired effect.

After the suppression of the defoamers polydimethylsiloxane and isopropanol, and the participation of polyols to improve the gel, the improved processing equipment was used for the fire resistance test, the irradiation box was used for the weather resistance test, and the samples were verified by the test methods. With the development of science and technology, the construction activities at home and abroad have made progress towards functional diversification, structure and morphology aesthetics, More and more fires form an increasingly complex problem of high-rise building structures.

Article source: fireproof glass http://www.ba-glass.com/